Let’s not forget our history

Let’s not forget our history, you say.
Let’s not forget our heroes and our foes,
Let’s not destroy this pure and subtle family we are.

But you invent yourself a solemn, mighty past –
You fight off savages while wearing fancy dress,
Sip tea from golden bowls in restful peace,
Enjoy high art and try your hand at poetry.
And all this while you whip me into wretched silence,
You build high walls around and keep the fresh air out,
You smuggle me into oblivion and disgrace,
And then you howl in horror at my sight,
With foam around your wrathful mouth.

You tell me how to live and how to die,
You tell me who to love and where to lie.
You throw your bones in front of me but when I pick them up you cry.
You want me one of you but when I raise my eyes you scowl.

Better erase this history, I say, megalomaniac mirage of no avail.
Erase the name you’ve given me and let me take my own…

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